• 9:30am - 6:30pm Mon - Sat
  • +91-9576558205
  • State Bank Road, Paroo, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.
Manager's Message

The National Education Association and Recent educational research has examined rural and urban differences in their achievement and found a huge difference. The difference in opportunities between cities and rural communities has always existed. There are many factors that cause to the gap performance between students in rural and urban areas. Rural communities often face higher teacher shortages, dangerous or long journeys to school, and can receive an education that is lacking in comparison to their city-dwelling peers. Students in urban areas get many excess compared to students in rural schools. This is the major reason that parents are moving towards urban areas so that they can give their children quality education.

On the basis of my experience, | can say with great pride, the students of rural areas are not inferior to the students of urban areas in any sense. They are curious and have same potential too. We at RIYA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, are providing the same facilities and resources which the students of urban areas get so that we can develop the self-belief, self-esteem and self-efficiency of the students of this rural area. And people wouldn't migrate from villages fo cities only because of quality education of their child.

In this journey, parenting is a vital element for children. We will have the seminar and workshop in our school 2 certain period of time so that we can improve the parenting also. | encourage you to be involved in our school.

                                     Miss. Priya Tiwari